Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mission Statement

The main purpose of this trip is for the Covenant College men's soccer team to serve the MTW team in Monterrey and the PCA church plants in the area.

Our service will include manual labor, soccer clinics for children, evangelism, VBS, and any other needs. We have a connection with the Monterrey professional team who will set up about five matches against professional, semi-professional, and reserve teams.

We will also have a field to train on each day. We will train each morning, serve MTW during the day, and play our matches in the evening.

Financial Support - Check Guidlines

If you would like to support the Mission to Monterey trip, here are some guidelines for writing checks:

  • Make support checks payable to: Mission to the World (MTW)
  • Note the appropriate project account on the memo line: EV0930
You may send the checks directly Jason Lehn who is the coordinator of our trip. They may be mailed to:
Jason Lehn Missions Administrator
Covenant College 14049
Scenic Hwy Lookout Mountain, GA 30750

Monday, February 19, 2007

Support Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

I am writing to you about an awesome opportunity I have this summer. I have always had a love for people, the Gospel and soccer. This summer I have the opportunity to engage all of these passions.

The soccer team from Covenant College is going to Monterey, Mexico to share our faith through soccer. We will develop relationships while playing soccer with some local teams and share our testimony while we work in the community. I am excited to see how the Lord will use the game of soccer to spread the love of Christ.

Please pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of those whom we meet. Also please lift up my teammates and I. Pray that the Lord would unite us, giving us humble hearts and an attitude of selflessness as we seek to share Christ’s love.

I also invite you to come alongside us through financially supporting our trip. The total cost is $1,500 per person including transportation, food and lodging. I have committed to raising this money by the beginning of July. If you would like to contribute then please let me know. I am really pumped about this opportunity and I cannot wait to see the Lord work in us and through us.

If you would like any more information, please e-mail me at AlecWaller@gmail.com. Thank you so much for your prayer and support, I am eternally grateful.


Alec Waller IV