Thursday, August 16, 2007

Last Match in Monterrey

Picking up from the last post, we played our final soccer game against another team from the local adult league. The game was actually more wild than either game against the Tigres, which was the result of several factors. The field we played on was made of an artifical turf and we had a hard time controlling the ball on it. This resulted in some dangerous tackles and a really unpredictable game. The referee allowed a lot of fouls and the game almost got out of hand.

Although the game ended in a 3-3 tie we were disappointed with ourselves because we lacked the self-control and disipline to play through the frustration. Yet despite our failure the Lord was able to redeem it and use even our mistakes to bring Him glory. After the game both teams gathered together and Coach Miglarese gave a short testimony. He explained that while we seek to bring glory to God by the way we play, sometimes (e.g. in that game) we make mistakes and do a poor job of showing the gospel on the field. And that knowing we have failed, the Lord still loves us and forgives us even though we don't deserve it.

Coach then let me share a quick personal testimony after which we exchanged trophies and medals. We even got to trade jerseys with the other team (This is a gesture of mutual respect and goodwill often done after an international match). We all shared a snack and got to hang out and talk to eachother for a while. We made it a point to try to connect our friends from the church with the players who were not believers. Overall, I feel like we as a team were humbled by our mistakes yet encouraged by the Lord's faithfulness. It is amazing to see the Lord working in the midst of our weakness; I think that in this way His glory is seen ever clearer when juxtaposed with our mistakes.